Wednesday 11 July 2012

A street...

Nerves bubble in the street, everyone is peeking out their windows in an attempt at secrecy, with no real success. She knows they are watching her, she knows that now is the time. Her confident stride brings her towards it, silence falls as the door opens. A protective father runs to his car, guarding it with his life. the young girl kisses his cheek, loosening his grip on the car. The engine begins to purr, slowly and foreboding, and then as the car turns out into the road, almost growling as the excitement rises...

It stops. Silence falls. Gasps are heard.
Oh well, she's only learning...


  1. Great idea. I really like the title of your blog! Remember to proofread carefully.

  2. I like the mystery behind this piece, and it certainly adds suspense. Very good! :D

  3. i really like the theme and how it is something completely normal yet you make it feel really tense, because that is probably what most people would be feeling in the situation. very good! :)

  4. I love the setting and its a really pleasent to read peice of writing, the title is also really mysterious,I really like it! :)
